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Irchel Campus Usage Management

Irchel Campus Usage Management

Irchel Campus

Source: Felix Morsdorf (Remote Sensing Laboratories UZH,



The main objective is to improve conditions for research and innovation at Irchel Campus by making better use of the cross-organizational resources, in particular better use of space and further infrastructure. Spatial challenges on campus are tackled in a holistic and coordinated manner. Read more about our tasks here.


Weiterführende Informationen

Address & Contact

Dr. Barbara Degenhardt
Office: Y10-G-16
Phone: +41 44 635 40 04
E-mail: Barbara Degenhardt
Microsoft Teams: BD Barbara Degenhardt

Office Hours: Mon from 2 pm, Mon-Thur.

University of Zurich
Managing Director of Irchel Campus Usage Management
Winterthurerstrasse 190
CH-8057 Zurich