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Irchel Campus Usage Management

Consumption and Encounter Zone Arcade Y22

Initial Situation 2017:

  • No possibility to dine outside at a table directly at the mensa exit, so that staff and students sit on the steps or benches adjacent to the mensa building with food trays on their knees

  • Location advantages: Underused open space directly adjacent to mensa exit in arcade Y22 (see photo below), partly naturally shaded, partly sunny, light wind in summer, overlooking greenery, situated on one of the main thoroughfares

  • Location challenges: part of the acade is main escape route, space is occasionally used for aperitivs, so that flexibe seating is required in order to maintain the multifunctional use of the space

Ausganglage Arkade Y22


  • Promotion of catering and encounter infrastructure in close proximity to the mensa
  • Establishment of outdoor learning and working facilities, for mobile working (such as concentrated work, video calls, team meetings), since un-air-conditioned office areas


Design phase 1: Furniture (2018)

Begegnungszone Campus Irchel

Aims Phase 1:

  • Furniture for individual and group settings
  • Furniture for sitting and standing breaks
  • Furniture color that supports place making on the campus, contrasts harmoniously with the gray of the surrounding concrete buildings, and matches the color of the park and city benches of Grün Stadt Zürich, which manage the surrounding city park

Design phase 2: Sunshade and Escape routes (2020)


Aims Phase 2:

  • Sun protection to keep escape routes free and to maintain the flexible use of the square, i.e. furniture should not be firmly anchored
  • Flower pots as barrier (structural affordance) and placemaking element
  • Flower pot design: mobile, aesthetic place making element, sufficient soil volume for infrequent watering and no waterlogging
  • Placement of further table sets

Design Phase 3: New planting of flower pots (2021)

Stimmungsbild Neubepflanzung




Aims Phase 3:

  • Visual privacy with simultaneous visibility
  • Promote mental recovery (cf. biophilic design)


B. Degenhardt, Nutzungsmanagement Campus Irchel

Project members:

  • Nutzungsmanagement Campus Irchel: Nutzungskonzept und PL
  • Bauprojektmanagement, Ausstattung
  • Betriebsdienst Irchel, Bauliche Massnahmen
  • Betriebsdienst Irchel, Gärtnerei
  • Betriebsdienst Irchel, Dienste
  • Sicherheit und Umwelt, Organisatorischer Brandschutz
  • Sicherheit und Umwelt, Security
  • zfv-Gastronomiebetriebe

Fotos und Mood Board: B. Degenhardt